Contact Crown Caffè

At Crown Caffè, we value every word from our customers. Whether it's compliments, suggestions, questions, or complaints, we are here to listen to you. We believe that constructive ideas are essential for our growth and continuous improvement.

Your opinion makes a difference!

We process all suggestions quickly because we know that the world can be better when we share the same dreams and work together. Your participation is valuable to us because we believe that nobility multiplies when it is shared.

Contact us and help us elevate the Crown Caffè experience even further!


Dear customers and partners,

Crown Caffè informs that all official communication on the company's digital channels is exclusively carried out through the domain:

Any attempt to contact or communicate involving a different domain should be considered improper and/or a possible fraud attempt. If you receive a suspicious communication, please report it immediately to:

Thank you for your attention and cooperation.
Crown Caffè Team.

Send your message

Crown Caffè is a Brazilian brand, recognized as one of the brands that works the most for delivering value and nobility in all processes, with talent and enthusiasm. Based in the city of Curitiba, the company sells the best coffees online, both wholesale and retail.

Do you want to collaborate with our distribution process or be a member of the Crown Caffè internal team?

Send your message using the form on the side.

If you want to be a member of the Crown Caffè team, send an email to

Crown Caffè @ 2023. All Rights Reserved. CNPJ: 37.473.583/0001-88. Made by Xmondo Digital